Sunday, August 12, 2012

Goals: Races, Distances, and Times

Part of making a success of the challenge I have created for myself is to set goals, both short and long term, so that I see the progress and have something to continually strive for.  I figure this is a 3-fold process.  I need goals for my daily runs and what they will look like and how they will change as I add distance, goals for what races I'd like my racing season to include, and goals for times.

Training Runs
Goal #1: Run 4-5 times a week
Goal #2: From now until October 1st is to increase my mileage by a 1/2 mile each week until I reach 6 miles.  My hubby says this goal is a little over-ambitious, but I feel like if I run 4-5 training runs a week, an increase by a half mile shouldn't be too painful.  I know that the beginning-of-the-week runs will be slower and more painful, but I should be fine by the end of the week.
Goal #3: After reaching 6 mile regular training runs, include speed work once a week.
Goal #4: After reaching 6 miles regular training runs, Include one long run a week.

Goal #1: Once I am consistently at 6 miles for my training runs, I want to see myself running at a 7:15 pace for the 6 miles.
Goal #2: 20 minute 5k
Goal #3: 1:30 half marathon

The following are the races that Ali and I will most likely do this year (thanks to Ali compiling the list):
September 1: Legacy 5k
October 6: Lexington Cares 5k
October 13: 10k Race for F.I.S.H
October 27: Race the Roof 8k
November 18: Women's Half Marathon
December 15: Frosty 5k
February 10: Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon

There needs to be another race early or late Dec and mid-late Jan, but I'm liking this race schedule so far.  It should be a nice running schedule.  I might add on Hooters to Hooters half which is in March or April as well.

 I'd also like to add one more goal of strength training.

So this is it.  Here are my goals - written in "stone".

Wish me good luck!  I'm going to need it and the accountability.

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